Seta Devi, 48, a resident of Ranchi was admitted in Sir Ganga Ram Hospital with vomiting and severe kidney injury. On questioning, it was revealed that she consumed the raw gallbladder of a locally available “rohu” (Labeo rohita) for 3 days to cure her diabetes as advised by a local quack. Read More
पित्त में साइप्रिनॉल नामक विष होता है, जो मनुष्यों में गुर्दे की क्षति का कारण बनता है. मछली के पित्त से जुड़े गुर्दे की चोट के लक्षणों में पेट में दर्द, उल्टी और मूत्र उत्पादन में कमी शामिल हो सकती है. गंभीर मामलों में, स्थिति गुर्दे की विफलता और यहां तक कि मौत का कारण बन सकती […]
New Delhi, May 4 (SocialNews.XYZ) A 48-year-old woman suffered kidney failure after consuming the raw gallbladder of a fish to cure her diabetes as advised by a local quack, said doctors here who advised not to eat it. Read More
Instead of going to the right health experts to cure diseases, the habit of getting treatment from quacks often puts people in big trouble. One such case of serious kidney disease has been seen in Delhi’s Ganga Ram Hospital immediately after indigenous treatment of diabetes. ReaD More
Raw fish gallbladder consumption is a common practice in certain regions of Asia including India, particularly eastern and southern India Read More
Acute Kidney Failure by Fish eating: डायबिटीज की बीमारी को ठीक करने के लिए एक महिला को मछली का कच्चा गॉल ब्लैडर खान Read More
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a long-term condition in which the kidneys gradually lose their function over time. One of the key ways to manage CKD is through diet. As a nephrologist, I have seen firsthand the impact that diet can have on the progression of CKD. In this blog post, I will discuss the […]
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a condition in which the kidneys gradually lose their function over time, leading to the accumulation of waste products and excess fluid in the body. One of the key ways to manage CKD is through diet, with specific attention paid to the control of potassium. In this blog post, we […]
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a condition that affects the kidney ability to filter waste products from the body. As a result, patients with CKD need to be mindful of their diet toensure that they are not consuming too many nutrients that the kidneys cannot process, such as phosphorus. In this blog post, we will […]
UTI is the one of most common infections among the reproductive age group and older females. It usually presents as a burning sensation while urination with or without lower abdominal pain, frequency or urgency. According to the latest report, the incidence of uncomplicated recurrent UTI among young females is 40%. A short antibiotic is usually […]